The maps are color coded based on the needs in each county for solid, independent, fundamental Baptist Churches that are King James only, non-calvinist in doctrine, and not contemporary in worship (solid churches). Counties in which we are unaware of any solid churches are color coded in red. Yellow counties are those in which we know of a few solid churches but over ten more are needed for that county, due to the population. Light green counties are those in which there is a need of 1 to 10 more solid churches, and the dark green counties have a sufficient number of solid churches to witness to the current population levels. The number of churches needed is based on each solid church sharing the Gospel with 10,000 people in their respective county each year. The goal is to share the Gospel with each person in the county once a year. Many maps will have a blue ribbon on some of the counties, these are counties that are in the BSALT top 100 counties list; counties that desperately need the Gospel and churches.

The detail county report for each state shows each county in alphabetical order. The third column is the estimated population of each county in the state. The fourth column is the number of solid churches in each county of the state. Red counties will show a “0”. The fifth column is the number of churches needed in each county. This is calculated based on how many churches are needed to share the Gospel with each person in the county once a year, assuming that each church will share the Gospel with 10,000 people a year. The Gospel Rate column is the number of years that it takes to witness to a person based on the current number of churches, still assuming each church is sharing the Gospel with 10,000 people a year. So if a rate says 4.5, then if each church in that county is sharing the Gospel with 10,000 people a year. If a church witnesses to a person today, it will take 4 and a half years to come back around to that same person to witness to them again.

Please realize that there are millions of people in the United States that have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel and based on our church planting, never will. The BSALT assumption is that every solid church is sharing the Gospel with 10,000 people a year. But this is truly a best case scenario, because BSALT is aware that many solid churches are not witnessing to 10,000 people a year. Some have no organized soul winning effort at all. Truth be known, we are only at an estimated 25% of the number of the solid churches needed in the United States. Based on the facts, we are failing to take the Gospel to every creature as our LORD and Saviour instructed, even within our own country.

“Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.”
Jesus Christ (Mark 1:38)